About us


We are Offing, a team of skilled individuals. For us, personal and organizational development is top priority. In time of new skills, abilities and knowledge, our desire is to create leaders who know and can meet the challenges of their environment.

We’re not serving you a multitude of facts that only levitate in your area of interest. We are helping to adopt the facts, from different spheres, in a practical way. We offer new knowledge, but also a new perspective of what is already known.

Every company needs employees with developed skills and creativity in order to be the best in their field of work. We see our role in the shaping of knowledge and skills. Our team consists of top class trainers, educators and consultants who have worked with the world’s experts, and now they are here to transfer their knowledge and experience to others.

So far, we’ve worked with more than 260 organizations from the corporate, public and social sectors. And the most of our reference’s and success comes from the corporate sector.

We are Offing, a team of skilled individuals with personal and organizational development as top priority.

Our Coaches

All coaches-consultants are carefully selected according to the criteria of experience, expertise and style maintenance training, depending on the topic and the types of modules. In practice we go into the depth of technique and knowledge. Only in this comprehensive way we create functional competency that can be further developed.

We’re working on a short and long term benefits of the participants of our education and training. Ultimately, success is measurable when they implement the acquired skills and knowledge in a work environment.

This new age requires a new way of working, the Offing way.

Form of training classes

Classes are held through a highly interactive workshop contained of theory and practice. They are one-day, two-day or three-day type, which are structured according to your needs and possibilities.

The quality of our work is top priority. For that reason, the shape of the education is in accordance with the needs of each organization separately. First we do an assessment, and then arrange to reconcile your needs and topics. After the workshop we conduct out an analysis and assess the need for further training.

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